Tag Archives: Troops

Letters for the Troops.

13 Dec

Last night, junior Kayla Ersboll organized a letter writing campaign to create cards for deployed troops. A friend whose older brother is in Kandahar, Afghanistan, sophomore Teri Corbett, supplied the list of approximately 13 individual names from his Battalion. Along with the 13 cards for his unit, the small group also produced nearly 40 extra letters to random soldiers in Pakistan, collected monetary donations and gathered practical donations of toiletries, gloves, socks, canned food, etc.

The program was prompted by an email sent to a friend of Ersboll’s mother. The long connection through friends of friends shared a story of heavy casualties and incredibly poor living conditions. The men in the Battalion are moving increasingly close to dangerous enemy territory and spend their nights in fighting holes and open-air buildings with no roof.

Corbett explained that participating in events such as these and collecting donations to send to those who would most likely not receive many gifts this season really puts things in perspective for college students stressed about finals.

If you’re interested in donating, please contact Kayla Ersboll at kersboll@gmail.com for more information.